Our timetable for the New Year Term 2025 is detailed below.

The class times will be listed on your invoice once you've enrolled online

New pupils by prior arrangement only please. Contact the office for any help regarding which class your child should attend and to schedule a complimentary trial class.


Alcester - The Greig


09:00 - Tiny Ballet 3+

09:30 - Pre-Primary Ballet 4+

10:00 - Primary Ballet 5+

10:45 - Grade 1 Ballet 6+

11:30 - Grade 2 Ballet 8+

12:15 - Finish


4:00 - Private Class (Booked - K&T)

4:30 - Grade 1 Tap

5:15 - Private Lesson (LW)

5:45 - Intermediate Tap

6:30 - Advanced 1 Tap

7:15 - Finish



4:00 - Grade 2 Ballet 8+

4:45 - Grade 3 Ballet

5:30 - Grade 4 Ballet

6:15 - Grade 5 Ballet

7:00 - Grade 6 Ballet

7:45 - Grade 8 Ballet

8:30 - Finish

Bournville - Dame Elizabeth Hall


4:15 - Private Class (MH)

4:45 - Private Class (OC)

5:15 - Private Class (EP)

6:00 - Silver Swans Adult Ballet

7:00 - Advanced 1 Ballet

8:15 - Grade 8 Ballet

9:00 - Finish


3:45 - Tiny Ballet 3+

4:15 - Pre-Primary Ballet 4+

4:45 - Primary Ballet 5+

5:30 - Grade 1 Ballet

6:15 - Grade 2 Ballet

7:00 - Grade 3 Ballet

7:45 - Grade 4 Ballet

8:30 - Grade 5 Ballet

9:15 - Finish

Bournville - Selly Oak Methodist Church

Thursday - Main Hall

4:15 - Pre-Primary Ballet 4+

4:45 - Primary Ballet 5+

5:30 - Grade 1 Ballet

6:15 - Grade 2 Ballet

7:00 - Grade 3 Ballet

7:45 - Grade 4 Ballet

8:30 - Finish

Friday - Main Hall

4:00 - Primary Tap 5+

4:30 - Grade 1 Tap 6+

5:00 - Grade 3 Tap

5:45 - Grade 4&5 Tap

6:30 - Private Lesson (EW, BW, VP)

7:15 - Advanced 1 Tap

8:00 - Advanced 2 Ballet

9:15 - Finish

Friday - Room 4

4:00 - Private Lesson (available)

4:30 - Private Lesson (AD)

5:00 - Private Lesson (EB)

5:30 - Private Lesson (EC)

6:30 - Finish

Moseley - St Anne’s Church Hall

Saturday - Miss Rosie

1:30 - 6:00 - Cinderella Rehearsals (Vocational)

Saturday - Miss Geraldine

09:00 - Tiny Ballet 3+

09:30 - Pre-Primary Ballet 4+

10:00 - Primary Ballet 5+

10:45 - Grade 1 Ballet 6+

11:30 - Grade 2 Ballet

12:15 - Break x 30 mins

12:45 - Grade 3 Ballet

1:30 - 6:00 - Cinderella Rehearsals (Vocational)

Wednesday - Miss Geraldine

4:45 - Intermediate Foundation Ballet

6:00 - Grade 6 Ballet

6:45 - Intermediate Ballet

8:00 - Advanced Foundation Pointe

8:30 - Intermediate Pointe

9:00 - Finish

Wednesday - Miss Lydia

6:00 - Grade 7 Ballet

6:45 - Advanced Foundation Ballet

8:00 - Intermediate Stretch

8:30 - Advanced Foundation Stretch

9:00 - Finish

Moseley - St Columba

Saturday - Miss Debbie

9:00 - Grade 4 Ballet

9:45 - Intermediate Foundation Ballet

11:00 - Grade 3 - Grade 5 Stretch Class

11:30 - Pre-Pointe & Pointe Class

12:00 - Grade 5 Ballet

12:45 - Finish

Term Dates 2025

The School runs on 6 half-termly pay periods. Invoices will be sent out 14 days prior to (and must be paid before) the start of the next half-term.

All terms start on the Saturday and finish on the Friday. We are always off the first Saturday in any Half-Term or Holiday.

  • Spring Half-Term 2025: Saturday 22nd February - Friday 11th April (7 weeks)

    • Easter Holidays - No classes Saturday 12th April - Friday 25th April

  • Summer 1 Half-Term 2025: Saturday 26th April - Friday 23rd May (4 weeks)

    • June Half-Term - No classes Saturday 24th May - Friday 30th May

      • Bank Holiday Monday 5th May (No Classes)

      • Saturday 10th May - no classes due to RNSD show

        Cinderella @ The Palace Theatre, Redditch

    • Saturday 10th May

      • 11:00 Alcester Show 1of2

      • 14:30 Bournville & Selly Oak Show 1of2

      • 18:00 Bournville & Selly Oak Show 2of2

    • Sunday 10th May

      • 11:00 Moseley Show 1of2

      • 14:30 Moseley Show 2of2

      • 18:00 Alcester Show 2of2

  • Summer 2 Half-Term 2025: Saturday 31st May - Friday 18th July (7 Weeks)

    • Summer Holidays - No classes Saturday 19th July - Friday 5th September 2025

  • Autumn Half-Term 2025: Saturday 6th September - Friday 24th October (7 weeks)

    • October Half-Term - No classes Saturday 25th October - Friday 31st October

  • Winter Half-Term 2025: Saturday 1st November - Friday 12th December (6 weeks)

    • Winter Holidays - No classes Saturday 13th December - TBC